Club communication has moved to Whatsup.
Get up-to-date information on activities and a good
communication channel for hobby friends.
Membership fee for adults: €30/year, for juniors: €15/year.
Flying field fee for adults: €50/year, for juniors: €25/year.
Select the attachment and make the payment to the club's account by the due date. Remember to include a message with the payment (your own name and membership/flying field fee for 2024).
Additional information and clarifications about the fees:
1. Membership Fee
- The membership fee for one adult also covers family members (children/grandchildren under 18 and/or spouse) if they are registered as members of the association.
- The amount of the membership fee is determined at the statutory annual general meeting.
- Members of the Finnish Aeronautical Association (Suomen Ilmailuliitto) also pay the club's membership fee directly to the club's account.
- Includes membership in the association, the right to participate in club events/activities, maintenance of the SIL16 license, and/or other member services.